Jautri, jautri Ziemassvētki :) Tie, kas brīvdienu laikā sekoja līdzi notikumiem Latvijā, zina, ka Latgales reģionā bija problēmas ar elektrību. Mani Ziemassvētki arī bija piepildīti ar šīm klapatām. Tomēr, tas bija interesanti :) Pilna māja svecēm, telefoni sprāgst nost, datoru ieslēgt nevar, interneta nav :D Priecājos, ka mājas apkure un ūdens nav atkarīgi no elektrības...
Paspēju izbaudīt sniegotus mežus, sniega kaujas, slapjas kājas un ceļu kā spoguli. Par spīti dažādiem apstākļiem, Ziemassvētki ir vieni no jaukākajiem gada svētkiem :)
Nākošā pietura: Jaunais gads :D
svētdiena, 2009. gada 27. decembris
trešdiena, 2009. gada 23. decembris
Jip jip jip! Esmu pietiekoši gudra, lai nokārtotu BrainBench testu par MS Word 2003 :) "Scored higher than 89% of all previous test takers", kas sastāda 3.02 punktus no 5 :)
Bet tā kā tur ir atrodams arī mans ne tik veiksmīgi nokārtotais (lasīt: nenokārtotais) C# tests, tad linku uz saviem BrainBench sasniegumiem nelikšu :D
Jauku vakaru!
Bet tā kā tur ir atrodams arī mans ne tik veiksmīgi nokārtotais (lasīt: nenokārtotais) C# tests, tad linku uz saviem BrainBench sasniegumiem nelikšu :D
Jauku vakaru!
ceturtdiena, 2009. gada 17. decembris
trešdiena, 2009. gada 16. decembris
Atziņas mājas tīrīšanas procesā
1.Brīnums, ka neesmu palikusi plikpaure :D
2.Putekļi krājas tikai tur, kur tie regulāri tiek iztīrīti
2.Putekļi krājas tikai tur, kur tie regulāri tiek iztīrīti
svētdiena, 2009. gada 13. decembris
Dream Bag Challenge from KATA
Through this i found this site. When i saw the first place presents - i fall in love :) That's something!
So, i made my dream bag either. As all the others :) But i m really hope to be the winner :)
My dream bag
I named it "Smile". I already have one photo bag. It is made for photo stuff and laptop. I like to be ready for everything and when i needed a photo bag, i bought photo and laptop bag in one. But, when i m having all in bag - it is heavy. In truth - too heavy to carry it all around all day. And it has few more minuses. But as i m not writing this story about my old bag, i m going to stop complaining about it and will start to talk about my dream bag :)
There are 3 important points about this bag:
1) Colors and shape. Usually photo bags are black and dark colored. Why? I cannt answer to this question, but i want my bag colored. Blue, green, red, orange, yellow... We have so much colors around! Photographers are artists. Artists works with colors. The bag should be in colors!
From outside the bag looks as casuall bag. I you don't think like this: If i have i photo camera then i m cool and everyone have to know about that! Then this is your bag!
2)Protection. Protection is for photographer and for whats in bag. For photographer there is reflectors. Reflectors are on front and back of the bag. I m living in country where are dark evenings in winter and to feel safe I want to be visible on streets or dark country roads.
For photo stuff safety i want my bag waterproof and protected from cutting. So it is made from waterproof material filled with metal wires to protect it from cutting.
3) Comfort. It is backpack to protect back, because photo camera, batteries, flash plus a lot of other stuff can weight a lot. Backpack divide the weight to both shoulders. Two more important things about this bag is that there is a plce for watter botle and place for casuall things - wallet, phone, player and so on.
Thank you for reading :) Now you know my idea about this bag.
If you wish to help me to get first prize you should do this:
1) Go to www.dreambagchallenge.com;
2) Register. It is fast and easy :)
3) Go to Dream Bag Gallery;
4) Find bag named "Smile". On this moment it's on the third page. Later it can be found on other pages;
5) Vote for it :) ( 1st star is lowest rate, 5th - highest). i'd love to have 5 star votes, but do as you wish :)
6) Vote for other bags if you find other good bags :)
7) Keep fingers crossed for me :)
So, i made my dream bag either. As all the others :) But i m really hope to be the winner :)
My dream bag
I named it "Smile". I already have one photo bag. It is made for photo stuff and laptop. I like to be ready for everything and when i needed a photo bag, i bought photo and laptop bag in one. But, when i m having all in bag - it is heavy. In truth - too heavy to carry it all around all day. And it has few more minuses. But as i m not writing this story about my old bag, i m going to stop complaining about it and will start to talk about my dream bag :)
There are 3 important points about this bag:
1) Colors and shape. Usually photo bags are black and dark colored. Why? I cannt answer to this question, but i want my bag colored. Blue, green, red, orange, yellow... We have so much colors around! Photographers are artists. Artists works with colors. The bag should be in colors!
From outside the bag looks as casuall bag. I you don't think like this: If i have i photo camera then i m cool and everyone have to know about that! Then this is your bag!
2)Protection. Protection is for photographer and for whats in bag. For photographer there is reflectors. Reflectors are on front and back of the bag. I m living in country where are dark evenings in winter and to feel safe I want to be visible on streets or dark country roads.
For photo stuff safety i want my bag waterproof and protected from cutting. So it is made from waterproof material filled with metal wires to protect it from cutting.
3) Comfort. It is backpack to protect back, because photo camera, batteries, flash plus a lot of other stuff can weight a lot. Backpack divide the weight to both shoulders. Two more important things about this bag is that there is a plce for watter botle and place for casuall things - wallet, phone, player and so on.
Thank you for reading :) Now you know my idea about this bag.
If you wish to help me to get first prize you should do this:
1) Go to www.dreambagchallenge.com;
2) Register. It is fast and easy :)
3) Go to Dream Bag Gallery;
4) Find bag named "Smile". On this moment it's on the third page. Later it can be found on other pages;
5) Vote for it :) ( 1st star is lowest rate, 5th - highest). i'd love to have 5 star votes, but do as you wish :)
6) Vote for other bags if you find other good bags :)
7) Keep fingers crossed for me :)
trešdiena, 2009. gada 25. novembris
joomla 2
He he... izrādās, esmu tikai mazliet blonda :) Xampp apakšā ir Apache serviss, kas sēž uz tiem pašiem portiem kā skype (šo lietu es zināju no universitātes laikiem, kad vajadzēja apgūt php). Un arī Visual Studio kāda no fīčām sēž uz tiem pašiem portiem(kas man bija jaunums, jo aizverot skype neienāca pārbaudīt vai tik vēl kāds serviss nesēž uz šiem pašiem portiem). Kamēr šos tik svarīgos portus priekš Apache neattīra, tikmēr, protams, arī nekas neizdodas :)
Liels paldies manam vīrietim par palīdzību :) Nu varu ķerties pie sevis izglītošanas joomlā
Liels paldies manam vīrietim par palīdzību :) Nu varu ķerties pie sevis izglītošanas joomlā
otrdiena, 2009. gada 24. novembris
Burtiski dažas nedēļas atpakaļ pirmo reizi dzirdēju par joomla, kad kāds paziņa lūdza izveidot šajā, tā teikt, sistēmā vienkāršu mājas lapu. Šodien nolēmu beidzot pieķerties tam klāt un sākt kaut ko lietas labā darīt... Njā... tomēr tas nav tik vienkārši :D Lai gan man ir maģistra grāds informācijas tehnoloģijās, tomēr jaunāko XAMPP versiju pie strādāšanas tā arī nepiedabūju... Vakarā prasīšu savam vīrietim, lai pamēģina manā vietā :D Līdz ar to, pie joomla instalēšanas arī netiku. Kur nu vēl pie kaut kā darīšanas...
Tomēr esmu optimiste un ceru, ka tas tikai manas "blondās galviņas" dēļ... Un arī tāpēc, ka jāpabeidz iesāktā Izdevumu uzskaites sistēma iekš ASP.NET, kur darbs palicis burtiski tikai dienai... vai labākajā gadījumā - dažām stundām :)
Tomēr esmu optimiste un ceru, ka tas tikai manas "blondās galviņas" dēļ... Un arī tāpēc, ka jāpabeidz iesāktā Izdevumu uzskaites sistēma iekš ASP.NET, kur darbs palicis burtiski tikai dienai... vai labākajā gadījumā - dažām stundām :)
pirmdiena, 2009. gada 23. novembris
svētdiena, 2009. gada 22. novembris
sestdiena, 2009. gada 21. novembris
piektdiena, 2009. gada 20. novembris
ceturtdiena, 2009. gada 19. novembris
trešdiena, 2009. gada 18. novembris
otrdiena, 2009. gada 17. novembris
pirmdiena, 2009. gada 16. novembris
svētdiena, 2009. gada 15. novembris
sestdiena, 2009. gada 14. novembris
piektdiena, 2009. gada 13. novembris
ceturtdiena, 2009. gada 12. novembris
trešdiena, 2009. gada 11. novembris
otrdiena, 2009. gada 10. novembris
pirmdiena, 2009. gada 9. novembris
svētdiena, 2009. gada 8. novembris
sestdiena, 2009. gada 7. novembris
piektdiena, 2009. gada 6. novembris
Ziņas (Atom)